
Bachelor,- and Master Themes

AuFBAU e.V. (Association)

As part of his teaching activities, the Managing Director of Hügin Group International, Dipl.-Ing. Lothar Hügin, lectures at the University of Kassel in Department 14 (civil engineering and environmental engineering).

Lothar Hügin also supervises diploma theses as a lecturer at the University of Kassel, which serve as a basis for the research areas:

  • Investigation of parameters as a basis for the development of an airborne demolition method [M. Klitsch]
  • Smoke spreading in underground traffic systems [B. Munser]
  • Fire safety analysis of a building smoking experiment [S. Krügner]
  • Effect of fire smoke on persons in private households [S. Klöpfel]
  • Feasibility study on the establishment of an international nuclear fire brigade [D. Reinmold]
  • Preparation of a draft directive for the assessment of compensation measures in the event of failure of the fire protection and safety infrastructure for special structures [A. Bernat]
  • Impact and building law assessment of a terrorist attack using the example of a subway, taking into account the physical and evacuation-related aspects and drafting a basic document [M.Deubner]

The Association of Graduates and Supporters of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering at the University of Kassel was founded on October 02, 2001 and has been a registered association since March 20, 2002.

He is committed to cultivating contacts and exchanging information between the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering and his graduates. In particular, AuF BAU e.V. supports qualified students and doctoral students in awarding scholarships and grants for the preparation and publication of scientific papers.

Other goals

  • Provision of funds for the acquisition of scientific equipment and teaching aids and for the personal development and expansion of the department
  • Promoting public relations in the field of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering
  • Promotion of research and teaching at the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering Construction
  • Stimulation of cooperation and knowledge exchange between the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering and practice
  • Maintaining professional exchange between the department and its graduates
  • Support of events and scientific-technical colloquia
  • Promote international cooperation of the department with foreign universities
  • Scientific events – technical colloquia, seminars and symposia

Further information: